The Scholar Register is a locally designed online database for Past Pupils Associations where one can view class lists and certain profile details of Stirling High Past Pupils. This portal makes it very easy for you to search for any student that has matriculated from Stirling High.
To update your profile please do the following:
1. Navigate to in your preferred internet browser, search for your organisation by name.
2. Select your organisation from the list
3. Select ‘View Class Lists’ and find your year of graduation
4. Select ‘View All’
5. Use the drop down menu ‘Filter’ to select your class
6. Select ‘Details’ to see your profile and then select drop down menu ‘Provide Feedback’ and choose ‘Recommend changes to detail below’ to update your profile
7. Once you have finished updating, hit SEND
8. You can ADD Milestones, Profession and Qualifications to your profile as well
9. If you find a class mate that you want to contact, select the drop down menu ‘Provide Feedback’ and then ‘click here to email John Doe’. An email will then be sent to John from the website.
Please note:
1. If you do not have a profile on the Scholar Register please email and one will be set up for you
2. Any updates that you make on your profile are first checked and processed before going live